In the Media

Episode 4. From London to Bologna, Book Fairs and More – An Interview with Jacks Thomas

Co-Founder, Jacks Thomas was interviewed on Klopotek Publishing Radio talking about publishing as a whole, but especially the work she is doing for BolognaBookPlus.

Regency romantic who really had a ball

As anyone worth their horse-drawn phaeton knows, Bridgerton is an 18th-rate version of best- selling English novelist Georgette Heyer, so I’m delighted to see Heyer’s Regency romances getting true recognition this week. Heyer: A Century Spent Having A Ball is being sold as an online event to celebrate the centenary of her first book, The Black Moth, and 50 audiobooks of her stories are being released. Gadzooks!

Alexandra Shulman

The Wimbledon-born Heyer’s first book, The Black Moth–said to have been the written edition of a story Heyer told her brother–was published in 1921 when Heyer was 19. And the centenary of that publication is another hook for Thursday’s event, which is called “Heyer: A Century Spent Having a Ball.

Porter Anderson